How Long Does 23andMe Take: Find The Answer Below

A woman with a quizzical expression. How long does 23andme take


23andMe is a personal genomics and biotechnology company that provides direct-to-consumer genetic testing.

The service offers people the ability to discover more about their ancestry, traits, health predispositions, and more, all through a simple saliva sample.

But one question that often arises from interested customers is, “How long does the 23andMe process take?”

Ordering and Receiving the Kit

Upon ordering a 23andMe kit, it usually takes 3 to 5 business days for the package to arrive.

It could take longer if you live in a remote location or if there are delays due to peak demand times or postal service interruptions.

Collecting and Returning the Sample

Collecting your sample is a quick process that you can do at home.

However, it’s essential to follow the provided instructions to ensure your sample is viable for testing.

After collecting your saliva sample, you will return it to 23andMe in the prepaid package.

Shipping times can vary, but it usually takes about 3 to 5 business days to reach the lab.

Sample Processing and Reporting

Once the lab receives your sample, it first goes through an inspection process to ensure it arrived in good condition and with sufficient volume.

If the sample is compromised, or if there is not enough saliva in the collection tube, 23andMe may request a new sample, which could delay the process.

DNA Extraction

Once the sample passes the inspection, it goes through a process called DNA extraction, which involves breaking down the cells in the saliva to release the DNA contained within them.

Special chemicals and techniques are used to break open the cells and then separate the DNA from other cellular materials.


The extracted DNA is then suspended in a solution that preserves it and prepares it for genotyping.

Genotyping is the process of determining which genetic variants an individual possesses.

At 23andMe, genotyping is done using a technology called microarray-based genotyping, also known as DNA chip technology.

What is a DNA microarray?

A DNA microarray is a small, solid support, usually a silicon chip, onto which the DNA fragments can be attached at fixed locations.

These DNA fragments are known as probes.

Image of a DNA microarray chip
DNA Microarray Chip. Source: Wikipedia

The chip used by 23andMe contains probes for about 600,000 specific locations in the human genome where individuals are known to commonly differ.

Your DNA is applied to the chip and then “washed” so that only the fragments of your DNA that match the probes on the chip will stick to it.

This process allows 23andMe to determine which specific variants you have at those 600,000 locations in your genome.

The genotyping process typically takes about 1-2 weeks.

After genotyping, the data is checked for quality control.

If the genotyping fails to meet quality standards—for instance, if the data is not clear or consistent—then the sample may need to be reprocessed, which can cause further delay.

Quality Control

Once the data passes quality control, it is then processed into various reports, which generally takes another week.

The reports include information about your ancestry, genetic traits, and, depending on the test you ordered, health risks or carrier status for certain genetic conditions.

Altogether, the time from when the lab receives your sample to when you get your results is usually about 3 to 4 weeks.

During periods of high demand or if there are any issues with your sample or data the processing can take longer.

23andMe will notify you via email at various stages of the process, such as when your sample is received, when genotyping begins, and when your results are ready.

You can also log in to your account at any time to check the status of your sample.

Overall Timeline

Altogether, from the moment you order your kit to the time you receive your results, the entire process typically takes 6 to 8 weeks.

This timeline is an estimate and can vary based on factors such as shipping times, the volume of samples the lab is handling, and more.

Tracking Your Sample

23andMe allows you to track your sample’s status throughout the process.

You can log into your account at any time to see whether your sample has been received by the lab and check the progress of your results.

Why is my 23andMe taking so long?

While 23andMe typically delivers results within 3 to 4 weeks after the lab receives your sample, there are several factors that can potentially delay the process.

Here’s a list of reasons why the results may take longer than expected:

  1. Insufficient Sample: If the sample provided doesn’t contain enough saliva or the saliva isn’t mixed properly with the stabilizing fluid in the collection tube, the lab may not be able to extract enough DNA for analysis. In this case, you might have to provide a new sample, which would restart the process.
  2. Compromised Sample: If the sample gets contaminated or is exposed to extreme conditions during transport (for instance, high heat or freezing temperatures), it may not be usable, requiring you to provide a new sample.
  3. High Demand: During times of high demand, such as around holidays or promotional periods, there may be a higher volume of samples being processed by the lab, which can cause delays.
  4. Genotyping Quality Control: If the initial genotyping doesn’t meet 23andMe’s quality standards, the sample may need to be reprocessed. In rare cases, you might need to provide a new sample if genotyping fails.
  5. Data Quality Control: After genotyping, the data goes through additional quality checks before reports are generated. If the data isn’t clear or consistent, this can cause further delays.
  6. Updating Reports: If 23andMe is in the process of updating their reports or adding new features, this could potentially delay the reporting of results.
  7. Shipping and Handling: Delays can occur in shipping the sample to the lab or in processing the sample upon receipt.
  8. Technical Glitches: Although rare, technical issues at the lab or with the company’s computer systems can cause delays.

It’s important to note that while these factors could potentially delay results, they are not common. Most people receive their results within the advertised timeframe.

If there’s a significant delay, 23andMe typically notifies the customer to explain the issue and provide an updated timeline for results.

How To View 23andMe Results?

Viewing your 23andMe results is a straightforward process.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Email Notification: You will receive an email from 23andMe notifying you that your results are ready.
  2. Accessing Your Account: Click on the link provided in the email or visit the 23andMe website and log in to your account using the credentials you set up when you registered your kit.
  3. Navigating the Dashboard: Once you log in, you’ll be taken to your account dashboard. The dashboard provides an overview of the information available to you, divided into various sections such as Ancestry, Traits, Health (if you purchased the Health + Ancestry service), and more.
  4. Ancestry Reports: Under the Ancestry section, you can explore reports on your genetic ethnicity estimate, maternal and paternal haplogroups (if you’re male), Neanderthal ancestry, and DNA relatives if you’ve opted in to connect with potential relatives.
  5. Trait Reports: Under the Traits section, you’ll find reports related to physical traits like eye color, hair type, taste preferences, and more, which are influenced by your genetics.
  6. Health Reports: If you have access to health reports, you’ll find them under the Health section. These reports cover genetic risk factors for certain health conditions, carrier status for specific genetic variants, wellness reports related to lifestyle, and traits related to health.
  7. Understanding Your Reports: Click on each report to view more details. Each report provides information about the genetic markers tested and what your results may mean. Be sure to read all the information carefully to understand the context and limitations of each report.

Remember, if you have any questions about your results or if there’s something you don’t understand, you can reach out to 23andMe’s customer support for assistance. If you have health-related questions, it’s a good idea to discuss your results with a healthcare professional or a genetic counselor.

What Else Can You Do With Your 23andMe Results?

Your 23andMe test yields valuable raw DNA data, readily accessible through your online account. This DNA file is your passport to a wealth of insights about your genetics.

Simply upload it to various platforms for deeper revelations about yourself!

Where to upload your 23andMe raw data?

Upload your 23andMe file to ACTGenes

Once you have your 23andMe raw data file you are sitting on more than half a million genetic variants which can give you a lifetime’s worth of information.

ACTGenes is a genetic raw data analysis company that generates a vast number of reports spanning 3500+ genetic traits. We have both free and paid tools.

Free tools

  • DNAPedia
    • is a DNA raw data analysis tool designed for convenience, simplicity, and privacy? With DNAPedia, you can efficiently search for rsIDs, specific genes, conditions, or symptoms. Compatible with 23andme, Ancestry DNA, and MyHeritage DNA raw data. 

Our paid analysis covers 13 reports

Conclusion: How Long Does 23andMe Take?

While the 23andMe process involves several steps and takes a few weeks, the wealth of information it offers can provide intriguing insights into your ancestry, traits, and potential health risks.

Just remember to be patient; good things take time!


  1. 23andMe. (2023). “How it works.” Retrieved from
  2. 23andMe Customer Care. (2023). “What happens to my sample?” Retrieved from
  3. “Understanding genotyping.” The Personal Genome. Retrieved from
  4. 23andMe Customer Care. (2023). “How long will it take to receive my 23andMe reports?” Retrieved from

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